How can a patient fill out a Distress Survey?

There are multiple ways to complete Distress Surveys. Patients may fill out surveys online, through the patient portal, tablet or paper. A paper version of the survey can be printed directly from the program.

Can reports be printed?

Reports can be printed directly from the program by clicking the Print button after running a report or by exporting a report and printing from your spreadsheet program. You may manipulate reports and create graphs and charts through your spreadsheet programs before printing.

What are the hidden fees when purchasing?

None! Set up and training is all included in the license fee. Everything viewed in the demo is part of your program for no additional charge. Customizations to change the program at a programming level will be subject to a fee and will be quoted to user before customizations will be made.

Can I see/share another navigator’s patients/notes?

Absolutely! MC Nav makes allows users to share patients and notes with other users to improve communication between staff and minimize the number of calls you make and emails you need to send! Stay in touch through the patient’s file with all MC Nav users.